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PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine speaks at Global Indian Scientists & Technocrats (GIST) Meet as a part of India International Science Festival (IISF)

December 2020

GIST’s vision is to leverage science and technology for providing a happy life to every individual and a better world to everyone. GIST provides a platform to scientists, technologists, research organizations, and academic institutions to inspire, motivate, collaborate, and generate eco-friendly (and) sustainable solutions for a better life to everyone.

GlST participated in the 6th India International Science Festival (IISF-2020) held virtually during December 22-25. This was the largest congregation of Indian scientists and technologists from all over the world, hosted by India’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA).

PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine was invited to speak about Ecovillage – The Way Forward

Industrial revolution has resulted in urbanization and related development, which has often been at odds with the environment. During 2020 as we faced a global pandemic, we all began to wonder whether urban clusters far removed from the natural environment were the best communities for us. Should we rethink our development models and work toward living in harmony with the natural environment? Could we set up ecovillages in rural areas to potentially allow “reverse urbanization” and provide opportunities for those who wish to live closer to nature in harmony with it? These ecovillages would be regenerative, responsible, and sustainable, built on the values of harmony and compassion. The ecovillages would feature: (a) Eco-friendly housing, (b) organic farming, (c) renewable energy for carbon neutrality, (d) waste reuse and recycling, (e) dedicated green areas including forests where feasible, (f) model educational institutions focused on the curiosity of mind and aspiration of greater good, (g) modern communication facilities, (h) innovation and incubation centers, and (i) community centers for health, well-being, cultural, and spiritual pursuits.

A recording of the speech is at

PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine speaks at premier Indian institutions of research and higher learning

November 2018 - May 2019

PEACE USA’s CEO Dr Vikram M Pattarkine recently spoke at the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute at Nagpur, the Indian Institutes of Technology at Mumbai and Kharagpur, and the Institute of Chemical Technology at Mumbai. These are some of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of research and higher learning in India. Dr Vikram delivered lectures on process engineering principles of the effect of our daily lives on our health, our well-being, and our environment. Dr Vikram discussed the mass and energy balance principles of food consumption, food conversion into energy and body-mass, and waste generation. He explained how processing of food could lead to excess food consumption and waste generation, thereby reducing the efficiency of the feeding process. Increasing the percentage of live, fresh, and unprocessed natural food is the key to improving efficiency. Converting our diet to 100% raw vegan and feeding no more than twice every day is the most energy efficient. Improving the process efficiency of feeding leads to vibrant health, mental and spiritual well-being, and a positive impact on our environment.

Faculty members, invited guests, and post-graduate as well as undergraduate students attended Dr Vikram’s lectures. The attendees were intrigued as they learned the relationship between food intake, gut microbial population, the body’s overall health, and our mental and spiritual well-being. Dr Vikram shared his first-hand experience and related it to theoretical principles of mass and energy balance.


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine trains water reclamation facility operators at Biloxi, Mississippi


March 2013


The Water Environment Federation (WEF) recently invited PEACE USA’s CEO Dr Vikram M Pattarkine to be a faculty at the operator training session “Energy Management.” The training session was organized by WEF in cooperation with the Mississippi Water Environment Association and the Harrison County Utility Authority inBiloxi, Mississippi. Based on one of the most sought out workshops at WEF’s annual technical conference and exhibition WEFTEC, this session focused on two main energy consuming activities at a typical water reclamation facility: aeration systems and pumping.


Dr Vikram made a presentation on “Energy Conservation through Aeration Systems Optimization.” He spoke about the importance of aeration and gave an overview of aeration technologies and their relative efficiencies. He explained how to calculate air requirements for achieving treatment obectives, discussed the factors affecting oxygen transfer efficiency and aeration system design, and aeration system selection. Finally he gave a design optimization example to quantify how much money could be saved by running the WRF at optimum dissolved oxygen conditions.


The training program was highly rated by the attendees, who were operators, designers, engineers, and utility managers in the region and beyond. Some attendees came as far as from Minnesota! At the end of the training session the attendees were given a guided tour of the North D’Iberville water reclamation facility.


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine speaks at the Harrisburg University BioEnergy Summit


March 2011


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine recently spoke on "Algae - The Most Promising Biofuel Feedstock" at the BioEnergy Summit hosted by Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. The theme for the Summit was Innovative Technologies for an Energized Future! The half-day program covered presentations and discussion on commercialization of technologies and processes to convert a variety of biomass resources into energy. Dr Pattarkine's presentation covered the advantages of algae, process challenges in algae conversion to biofuel, and the algae wastewater treatment application. Algae was identified as the most promising biofuel feedstock in the keynote speech as well, delivered by Dr William Goldner, National Program Leader at the US Department of Agriculture.


Besides plenary sessions, the participants discussed three themes in

separate breakout sessions: (1) food grains to biodiesel, (2) waste products to energy, and (3) energy grass to biodiesel. All three attracted leaders from industry, academia, and government. Concluding remarks were presented by Mr Daniel Desmond, former Deputy Secretary, Office of Energy and Technology Deployment, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Mr Desmond spoke about innovative contracting for promoting renewable fuels rather than depending upon business models based on commodity pricing.


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine speaks at the Princeton Environmental Film Festival


January 2011


The Princeton Public Library organizes the Princeton Environmental Film Festival every year. The 2011 festival featured "Houston We Have A Problem," a thought-provoking film by Nicole Torre. The film takes the audience inside the energy capital of the world to hear the hard truth about oil, straight from the Texas oilmen themselves. For decades American presidents have warned of our nation’s dependence on foreign oil. The film shows just how the U.S. Energy Policy turned into a strategy of defense, not offense. The film features confessions of oilmen, who work in the trenches every day, scrambling to feed America’s ferocious appetite; every year we spend over 700 billion dollars on foreign oil. Will this addiction be our demise? The film also explores where we stand at the crossroads and the birth of the clean energy revolution and 21st century “Wildcatters” who are leading the way. “Houston We Have a Problem” brings both sides together, seeking solutions, making it clear that we must embrace all forms of alternative energies in order to save the planet and ourselves.


As an alternative energy "Wildcatter," PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine made a presentation on OriginOil's technology to produce biofuel from Algae. He was joined by Nicole Torre via Skype. The audience was very interested in the potential of algae to replace petroleum as a renewable energy feedstock. Other oil-producing feedstock such as corn and sugarcane often destroy vital farmlands and rainforests, disrupt global food supplies, and create new environmental problems. OriginOil's unique technology, based on algae, is targeted at fundamentally changing our source of oil without disrupting the environment or food supplies. Instead of drilling for old oil, we can now manufacture clean, new oil, anytime and anywhere, delivering a revolutionary breakthrough to the world.


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine appointed on the Executive Board of the Chesapeake Bay Program Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee


December 2010


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine was recently appointed on the Executive Board of Chesapeake Bay Program’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC). STAC provides scientific and technical guidance to the Chesapeake Bay Program on measures to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay. As an advisory committee, STAC reports periodically to the Implementation Committee and annually to theExecutive Council comprising governors of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia; the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the mayor of the District of Columbia; and the chair of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a legislative body serving Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.


STAC is composed of 38 members drawn from federal and state agencies, universities, research institutions, and private industry, representing a cross-section of individuals with diverse scientific and technical backgrounds and areas of expertise important to the Chesapeake Bay Program. Pattarkine has been a STAC member since 2006. He brings to the committee his expertise in wastewater nutrient management.


Since its creation in December 1984, STAC has worked to enhance scientific communication and outreach throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed and beyond. STAC provides scientific and technical advice in various ways, including (1) technical reports and papers, (2) discussion groups, (3) assistance in organizing merit reviews of CBP programs and projects, (4) technical conferences and workshops, and (5) service by STAC members on CBP subcommittees and workgroups. In addition, STAC holds meetings, workshops, and reviews in rapid response to CBP subcommittee and workgroup requests for scientific and technical input. This allows STAC to provide the CBP subcommittees and workgroups with information and support needed as specific issues arise while working towards meeting the goals outlined in the Chesapeake 2000 agreement. STAC also acts proactively to bring the most recent scientific information to the Bay Program and its partners.


Reacting to Dr Pattarkine's appointment, the STAC Vice Chair Dr Chris Pyke commented: Dr Pattarkine is a thought leader on the Chesapeake Bay Program's Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee. I have come to appreciate and value his ability to appreciate multiple dimensions of complex issues, including business, technology, and policy. This multifaceted perspective is critical to providing agencies with the technical advice they need to deal with the complex issues underlying the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. More broadly, I recognize Dr Pattarkine as one of a small number of people capable of working seamlessly across government, academia, and business. He uses his business skills to identify and prioritize opportunities, while remaining relevant to pressing public policy challenges.


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine speaks at "Algues: filières du future!" in France

November 2010


PEACE USA CEO Dr Vikram Pattarkine recently spoke at the “Algues: filières du future!” symposium organized by Adebiotech. A True ‘Think Tank’ of Biotechnology, Adebiotech includes industrial and academic experts and representatives of national and regional governments. Adebiotech aims to develop biotechnologies and their applications in France and support linkages with Europe and rest of the world.


Dr Vikram made the opening presentation on “Algae – A Unique Opportunity” at the symposium. He covered research and pilot-scale efforts around the world. He explained why algae was considered the most promising feedstock for renewable fuel, based on its potential to replace petroleum and other biofuels. He outlined the process challenges in successfully implementing algae biofuel projects, and presented potential solutions.


Attendees at the symposium included scientists, practitioners, and regulators from France and other European countries.